Naomi McCleary on Radio Live and other media stories

Naomi McCleary on Radio Live and other media stories

In the last few weeks we’ve had some great media coverage of ºTEMP. Here is some of it:

Radio Interviews
Martin Langdon, Team Food/Kai
Auckland’s first TEMP festival, bringing together artists and scientists for a month of installations and events around climate change, begins next week. One of the five projects is led by artist Martin Awa Clarke Langdon (Tainui, Ngai Tahu) and architect Waikare Komene from The Roots Creative Entrepreneurs. They are working with a local primary school on their TEMP project, creating organic, edible outdoor sculptures – an archway, and a community garden made from upcycled materials.The TEMP festival, runs Thursdays to Sundays from 16 March – 8 April at the Corban Estate Arts Centre and Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery.—Naomi-McCleary/tabid/506/articleID/137851/Default.aspx
Eco Warrior – Naomi McCleary
Naomi is an eco-warrior pulling together a climate change event. She chats about the event, the aims and the list of 10 simple steps everyone can take to help the environment.

Whats On Guides
What’s on Sat 18 and Sun 19 March 2017 in Auckland for Kids
Our weekend pick of the best of what’s on in Auckland, New Zealand for Kids and families on Sat 18 and Sun 19 March 2017