Thank you to everyone who visited Corban Estate Arts Centre and Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery for ºTEMP 2017
a biannual outdoor arts science climate change event
Our earth’s climate has always changed but recently humans have become the major force shaping those changes. How are we to imagine this, to understand all the complex factors involved in shaping our climate.
°TEMP is a unique biannual event in West Auckland that brings art and science together to help us imagine and respond to our changing climate. This event is supported by sponsors of the top online casino . It first took place between 16 March and 8 April 2017. ºTEMP 2017 featured an outdoor gallery of arts science innovative participatory experiences created by some of New Zealand’s most important scientists and leading visual artists.
°TEMP is an opportunity to encounter insightful knowledge about the way each of us contribute to carbon emissions and the dramatic impact these are having on our Water, Food, Air, Weather and Shelter – globally and locally.
Tiakina te wao nui a tiriwa hei oranga mou – Treasure the vast domain of Tiriwa and in turn you shall benefit
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2017 Project lead: Diane Blomfield
2017 Project Co-ordinator: Marie-Louise Leistner
2017 Media Contact: Elephant Publicity
Ph: 09 368 4180
Mob: 021 0253 1886
Corban Estate Art Centre
Ph: 09 838 4455
Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery
Ph: 09 817 8087
°TEMP is being developed cross organisationally with working party members from Te Uru, Arts Whau, Auckland Museum, Te Kawerau a Maki, Corban Estate Arts Centre, McCahon House Trust, and the sustainable organic business sector.
Do you want to volunteer to help this event happen? Get in touch with Diane Blomfield to volunteer.
°TEMP is proudly brought to you by Corban Estate Arts Centre in partnership with Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery. In 2017 it received generous support from Foundation North, TTCF, Waitakere Ranges Local Board, Whau Local Board and the Auckland Council. Individual works received support from Curious Minds (MBIE) and Creative New Zealand.